Stop COVID-19

America's leading UV-C disinfection service

The post Covid-19 reality has irreversibly changed our world. Our personal and professional lives now include an increased priority on disinfecting our physical environments.

How do we ensure that the spaces where we gather, are virus and pathogen free?

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How it works

Learn about UVGI

A practical, proven, and reliable solution

What does Spectrum-UVGI do?

We specialize in environmental maintenance providing you with the most efficient method of protection from bacteria and viruses (including COVID-19) using UVGI (Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation) devices which emit UV-C light. We’re not a janitorial service and we don’t replace the critical role they play. We singularly focus on UVGI treatments to eliminate all harmful micro organisms.

What is Ultraviolet light?

Ultraviolet light (UV) is a type of electromagnetic radiation that is essentially sunlight. UV light is also responsible for summer tans – and sunburn. This same UV light, in very high doses, known as UV-C, has been shown to have anti-microbial properties. Scientists have been using UV-C since the 1930s to kill bacteria, fungi, mold and viruses. UV-C light is invisible to the human eye, and when applied with enough intensity kills 99.99% of all pathogens.

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Link to the The Center for Disease Control and Prevention

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Confirmed Coronavirus Cases

Last updated: June 27, 2020, 01:43 GMT

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Symptoms of COVID-19

Why is Spectrum-UVGI better than other cleaning treatments?

99.9% eliminated

The lights used are 254nm, the most effective UV-C wavelength killing 99.99% of disease-causing bacteria, viruses and mold.


There is no harmful chemical residue, and there is no risk or danger when the light is turned off.


Each time the machine is turned on our tracking software records the location and when it's in-use.

No human error

There is no cleaning process, we use Smart Dosing Technology to deliver maximum germicidal UV-C.

Hand washing process

How to wash your Hands


Apply soap and rub your hands together


Use one hand to rub the back of the other hand and vice versa


Rub your hands together and clean between your fingers


Rub the back of your fingers against your palms


Rub your thumb using your other hand and vice versa


Rub your tips of your fingers on the palm of your other hand and vice versa

Have questions? Find answers!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are UV-C Rays?

UV-C, also known as Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI), is the germicidal wavelength released by the sun. Fortunately, almost all UV-C rays are blocked by the atmosphere and typically do not reach the earth’s surface.

However, this is a good thing, as UV-C light can be harmful to many organisms if they experience periods of time with prolonged exposure. We do understand that there are certain benefits to using UV-C light in various applications. Scientists have found ways to reproduce these UV-C rays in UV light bulbs that target the invisible enemy—that army of microorganisms, viruses, bacteria, fungus, and other germs that can be found in our workspaces and homes.

By simply exposing your living or working areas to UV-C rays, you can effectively sanitize these surfaces, ridding them from the threat of exposure to harmful microorganisms, bacteria, and pathogens.

UV radiation is conventionally categorized into three bands UV-A (315 to 400 nm), UV-B (280 to 350 nm), and UV-C (100 to 280 nm).

Is UV-C harmful?

We’re exposed to parts of the UV spectrum while outdoors. Generally, excessive UV exposure can produce adverse effects depending on wavelength, type and duration, and UV response differences between individuals. The three basic wavelengths:

UV-C - includes the germicidal wavelength of 253.7nm and is used for air and water disinfection. Human overexposure causes temporary skin redness and harsh eye irritation, but no permanent damage, skin cancer, or cataracts.

UV-B - is a narrower but more dangerous band of UV. Prolonged exposure has been associated with skin cancer, skin aging, and cataracts (clouding of the lens of the eye).

UV-A - is more predominant outdoors than the other two. It helps to tan our skin and is used in medicine to treat certain skin disorders. It is generally a harmless wavelength. UVA, B and C will damage collagen fibers and accelerate skin aging.

How does it affect germs?

Microorganisms are simple organic structures that readily absorb the UV-C wavelength, causing photo-disassociation (destruction).

A microbes DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid, is first to be adversely effected due to its weaker molecular bonds. In hundredths of a second it suffers irreparable damage.

In hundredths of a second it suffers irreparable damage. The subsequent loss of genetic instructions causes cell death and/or the inability to replicate, rendering them harmless.

Continuous exposure causes uninterrupted degradation, such as the sun does, only significantly faster.

What is inactivation?

For mold and bacteria, doses of UV-C energy may not cause immediate cell death but the microbe could be "inactivated".

What’s meant by this is that while some biological activity may still exist, cell replication is impossible; the microbe is no longer viable.

Simply, the subject microbe cannot multiply, rendering it harmless! What’s more, small doses of UV-C over time have been shown to hasten cell death.

WhAs viral particles are not a life form, we depend solely on inactivation to rid ourselves of their impending harm.

What are the symptoms?

The improper choice or misuse of expensive, and – at times, toxic – cleaning chemicals can result in inadequate disinfection.

Such errors leave environmental surfaces and equipment contaminated with pathogens, exposing patients and health care workers to pathogen transfer. Such carelessness dramatically raises the risk of pathogen transmission workers and customers.

Alternative approaches to achieving and maintaining the highest levels of environmental hygiene are sorely needed. There is an unmet need for effective disinfection methods of all surfaces that can be conveniently and inexpensively, implemented to reduce dangerous pathogen

Law Enforcement

With the influx of new inmates daily, it can be hard to control what the last prisoner left behind. Adding one of our UVC devices to your disinfecting solutions can help clean the area before the next person is brought in. Our UVC devices will emit UVC light on all surfaces, denaturing the germs left behind by regular cleaning. This biological damage inactivates the cell by preventing replication and therefore infection capability.

Traditional, manual cleaning protocols are often insufficient in stopping the spread of pathogens and leave room for error in technique and chemical application. With the use of smart technology, the Infection Prevention Technologies’ portfolio ensures the correct germicidal dose is thoroughly delivered to all surfaces, lowering infection rates and costs.

Detention Center Challenges Dirty Protests- Urine, blood, vomit, and feces smeared over cell walls, floors, and ceilings create dangers for staff enabling the spread of disease including HIV, Hepatitis C. It is essential that the area is sanitized and disinfected as soon as possible using a method of disinfection to provide safety assurance.

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth A Pound of the Cure. Spectrum-UVGI does what you need it to do. The machine will do all of the work for you - killing all of the germs and bacteria that lead to infection and illness.

Colleges and Universities

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth A Pound of the Cure. Spectrum-UVGI does what you need it to do. The machine will do all of the work for you - killing all of the germs and bacteria that lead to infection and illness.

Keep Your Faculty, Students, and Staff Safe With all of the students and faculty coming and going, there are many surfaces that are touched thousands of times a day. What is left behind can get other people sick, and regular cleaning might leave some viruses and bacteria behind.

Our solution of UVC energy is a wavelength range of Ultraviolet energy that when lit reflects rays on all surfaces. When these rays of UVC light hit it damages cellular DNA and viruses RNA. This biological damage inactivates the cell by preventing replication and therefore infection capability.

Traditional, manual cleaning protocols are often insufficient in stopping the spread of pathogens and leave room for error in technique and chemical application. With the use of smart technology, the Infection Prevention Technologies’ portfolio ensures the correct germicidal dose is thoroughly delivered to all surfaces, lowering infection rates and costs.

Daycares and K-12 Schools

Children can carry more germs than adults because they do not wash their hands as well or as often. Items in these rooms are touched non-stop by different children all day and bacteria and viruses can be left behind by regular cleaning techniques.

Our solution of UVC energy is a wavelength range of Ultraviolet energy that when lit reflects rays on all surfaces. When these rays of UVC light hit it damages cellular DNA and viruses RNA. This biological damage inactivates the cell by preventing replication and therefore infection capability.

Traditional, manual cleaning protocols are often insufficient in stopping the spread of pathogens and leave room for error in technique and chemical application.

With the use of smart technology, the Spectrum-UVGI ensures the correct germicidal dose is thoroughly delivered to all surfaces, lowering infection rates and costs.

Houses of Worship

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released guidelines for the reopening of houses of worship.

The CDC calls for frequently touched surfaces to be cleaned “at least daily” and shared objects be washed-down between uses. It also calls for proper ventilation systems and increasing the circulation of outdoor air as much as possible by opening windows and doors and using fans.

In the event a person diagnosed with COVID-19 is determined to have been in the building and posed a risk to the community, it is strongly suggested to dismiss attendees, then correctly clean and disinfect the area and the building where the individual was present before resuming activities.

With thousands of worshipers and staff, walking through all areas of the building, it makes it challenging to keep all spaces clean. If an infectious case were to break out, the area must be sanitized and disinfected as soon as possible using a method of disinfection to provide safety and assurance. Spectrum provides Disinfection on Demand with no disruptions in your routine.

Retail & Commercial

Ultraviolet cleaning has historically only been available in selected areas. Now the industry, small businesses and other general public facilities have the same degree of professional levels of disinfection and sterilization that was once only available to hospitals and highly sensitive environment where maintaining sanitary air circulation and surface areas were critical.

What is inactivation?

For mold and bacteria, doses of UVC energy may not cause immediate cell death but the microbe could be "inactivated".

What’s meant by this is that while some biological activity may still exist, cell replication is impossible; the microbe is no longer viable.

Simply, the subject microbe cannot multiply, rendering it harmless! What’s more, small doses of UV-C over time have been shown to hasten cell death.

WhAs viral particles are not a life form, we depend solely on inactivation to rid ourselves of their impending harm.

Flattening the Curve

To get the Spectrum difference make an appointment