The symptom checker results show a list of possible conditions, not an actual diagnosis. Consult your doctor if you are concerned.


If you’re feeling under the weather but aren’t sure what it could be, an online symptom checker can help you identify whether you need to seek immediate medical attention.

Online symptom checkers are calculators that ask users to input details about their signs and symptoms of sickness, along with their gender, age and location. Using computerised algorithms, the self diagnosis tool will then give a range of conditions that might fit the problems a user is experiencing. They can also advice someone whether to seek advice from a healthcare professional and the level of urgency in which to do so.

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Estimable state:


Possible diagnoses

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Questions & Answers

How do I know if I’m sick nad what to do?

Using an online symptom checker is simple. For instance, you might be a 45 year old woman from the UK who is currently experiencing headache, a fever and a sore throat. Inputting this information into the symptom checker will give you some likely ‘common’ diagnoses. These include: strep throat, tonsillitis, sinusitis and flu.

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What’s the difference between a sign and a symptom?

‘Sign’ and ‘symptom’ are often used interchangeably, but if we’re going to be pedantic, they do actually mean different things. If you’re feeling ill it might not be immediately obvious to somebody looking at you that you’re sick. For instance, if you’re experiencing pain, fatigue or dizziness, only you know what that feels like. These are symptoms - which can only be described by the person experiencing them.

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How safe and accurate are symptom checkers?

Most doctors agree that online symptom checkers are can encourage people with life-threatening symptoms to seek urgent attention, potentially saving lives. They’re also useful for reassuring patients who may have sought urgent care when they didn’t need to.

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This symptom checker is provided by Isabel Healthcare Limited. Isabel Symptom Checker ("Isabel") and any content accessed through Isabel is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to constitute professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. EMIS shall be in no way responsible for your use of Isabel, or any information that you obtain from Isabel. You acknowledge that when using Isabel you do so at your own choice and in agreement with this disclaimer. Do not ignore or delay obtaining professional medical advice because of information accessed through Isabel. Seek immediate medical assistance or call your doctor for all medical emergencies. By using Isabel you agree to the terms and conditions.

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